Installment 67th-70th
Coming home

Inst. 45th-55th


Inst. 56th-59th

Inst. 60th-63rd

Inst. 64th-66th

Inst. 67th-70th

Inst. 71st-73rd

Short stories

Photo Page

Guest Book Page

The rest of the installments

As the name implies



Here is the continuation of a series 'Coming home' entitled 'as the name implies'



Kongkeo Saycocie


As the name implies


I guess nobody knows

Or cares why I take up my pen



Euay Dara and Bounthanong once asked me

If I still write


Many of a writer

Once left the country

Left their pen behind

Would I be the same?


Tempting as it may be

For time is money abroad

Distraction is luring you

At every corner


No less significant

The language you are familiar with

Virtually no one could read

Could understand


Why then write?


I told them

I still write in a language

Sometimes strange to my ears

What did I write then?


2 stages 2 mindsets


Back in Laos

As my pen name Satjadham

Gave a hint

I wrote about the qualities

Preferred in human beings

The truth that never dies


Now in the U.S.

I am writing about Muang Lao

What she used to be

What she is capable of

Herewith is the name of LanXang

Her olden name


As I grow older

The pendulum is swinging back

Not Satjadham in itself

But Satjadham with LanXang

A harder task

A grander vision


How much I can accomplish

Only time will tell



Nothing left



Here is the continuation of a series Coming home' entitled 'nothing left'



Kongkeo Saycocie


Nothing left


I dragged my tired legs
Across Vientiane
Looking for a place a sign
Where my tormented heart could rest

Like they say
A city heart
A country soul
Lie in every inch of the soil
You step on
In every air molecule
You breathe in

Still I couldn't take myself to rest
For not a place
Not a sight
Took me in
Told me I was home

Would the Lao forced to leave the country
Centuries before
Once walked on this soil again
Felt the same?

Did their longing hearts
Always itching to come back home
Felt 'this is it'
Their hearts
Their souls
Finally be one with them?

Walk on I did
Looking for a hope
An inspiration

Oh Naga
Don't desert me
When I badly need you
Just look at me
Come down from the temple roof
Be with me in me

Give me strength to carry on
Give me courage to be my own self
The way our ancestors did

If nothing left
The heart of the country
The soul of the people
Let me be the carrier
Light the fire long extinguished

Many Lao
Many of your offspring
Are waiting for you
For me
For someone
To blaze the way
Will you so heartless to ignore us
Disappoint us
I for one will be waiting


An alien ideology



Here is the continuation of a series 'Coming home' entitled 'an alien ideology'



Kongkeo Saycocie


An alien ideology



Walking around Vientiane

Kicking the dust into the air

I came to muse over the path

Of this great city


Not far a time

This city changed hands

But not even once

This drastic

That it had to chase away its own people

Like they were not of a family

But enemies to be got rid of


Can't really say

When exactly did we

A gentle people

Become this harsh

This cruel


One could say

Sad history repeated itself

Did make people

Want to cut a tie

Make an overhaul

A new beginning


Still this doesn't justify

The cruelty unheard of

In our country long existed


Why didn't we instead

Make use of the talent

Hard in getting it

 Or was the new ideology far more better

That it could turn dust into gold

In an overnight?


Sad to say

Buddhists we may be

But our root didn't reach that far

That deep

With a slight twist of words

Our head turned

And turned badly

Until we don't know

Who we really are anymore


I for one

Was attracted to this enticing ideology

With so much promises and so much passion

Who could do without?


Yes Muang Lao does need a change

An old way just doesn't cut any more

Years and years of despair was too much to swallow

We as a people could do more than what's given


Still it doesn't give us any right

To destroy the very basis we stood on


We need a way to link to the past

Not uprooting it


Like everything else

Ideology comes and goes

What stays behind

Is but people

Our own people


Nothing is more sad

Than the destruction of the hands that feed you


Still I hope

Within my lifetime

I could still see

Muang Lao rebounds from this tragic history

No one can do for us

But we ourselves

The once proud Lao






Here is the continuation of a series 'Coming home' entitled




Kongkeo Saycocie




Going to some houses

Seeing the Thai king

Grandly displayed in the living room

My heart sank to the bottom


Can't help to ask

Am I in Muang Lao

Or another provincial town of Thailand?


I know

Nobody could stop the Thai influence

Rushing in with its economic might

And cultural prowess

With years behind its bell



This new Laos was supposed to be better

More Lao than of the old regime


What's to do then?

Do we need our king back?

I don't know

I am just a writer

Why don't we let people to decide?

King or not

That's not the issue

Coming to terms with our past is


It is time to give a proper burial

To our last king

A reconnection to the past

So that we can move forward as one


Yes weak as we may be now

But if we are one

Like the many strands of the bamboo

Strung together

We will wipe away

Any remnants of Thai influence in our land


Only this and this alone

Muang Lao will be truly Lao again

